Huni Badger Huni Badger 18650 Infinity Batteries (2 Pack)
Huni Badger 18650 Infinity Batteries (2 Pack)
$21.99 USD
Huni Badger

Huni Badger 18650 Infinity Batteries (2 Pack)


This all new CELLKING 40A 18650 battery delivers maximum performance for your Huni Badger at and affordable price. Enjoy the high 40.3A (MAX) discharge rating for a quicker heat up time and a true 3016mAh capacity with this high discharge battery.

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Product description


Type: Li-Ion, Lithium Ion

Capacity - (0.2CA)3016 mAh

Nominal Voltage - 3.70V

Charging Voltage - 4.2V

Max. Charge Current - 2 CA

Continuous Discharge Rating - 20.2A

Max. Discharge Current - 40.3A

Cell Diameter - 18 mm, Height 65 mm

Cell Weight - (Approx.)55g


WARNING: Please note that there is an inherent risk with the use of any and all rechargeable batteries in any circumstance. Please use at your own risk and always use proper precautions and handling as Li-ion (Lithium-ion) and LiPo (Lithium-Polymer) batteries are very sensitive to charging characteristics and may explode or burn if not properly handled. Always store and transport rechargeable cells in a safe, non-conductive container in a controlled environment and do not carry loose unprotected batteries in your pockets or purses. Do not use if battery is damaged or above 212°F/100°C. Huni Badger is not responsible for any damage, injury, or defect caused by the improper use and/or mishandling of any rechargeable batteries and chargers. Dispose of all battery cells and chargers in accordance to local laws and mandates.

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