Fish Shit Fish Shit 500ML
Fish Shit 500ML
$49.99 USD
Fish Shit

Fish Shit 500ML


Fish Shit 500 ml is derived from feeding tilapia a proprietary mix of feed that when digested lends itself nicely to bacteria and microorganism production/growth under proper conditions. Fish Shit is the first of its kind ecosystem in a bottle.

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Product description

Fishshit is a high-quality organic OMRI listed soil conditioner that increases nutrient uptake, yield, and flavor. Created by Fish Head Farms, this popular soil conditioner is derived from feeding tilapia and is a proprietary mix of feed that creates an optimal symbiotic relationship between plant and soil.

Fishshit is perfect for cannabis plants in all stages and helps to produce a full bountiful harvest of trichome covered buds.

Fish Shit Soil Conditioner is an organic and natural fertilizer that helps release essential oils and terpenes to create beautiful aromas and flavors. It can be used for all stages of growth, and includes thousands of different species of bacteria, fungi, and protozoa.

Fishshit fertilizer increases the production and growth of good bacteria and microorganisms, which leads to trichome covered buds.

Fishshit is more than compatible with other nutrients on the market and works well in both hydroponics and soil setups. It improves root systems, making your plants healthier and more productive!

Now available at Aladdin Glass and Vape

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