Huni Badger Huni Badger 710 Sci Glass Badger Bullet Bubbler
Huni Badger 710 Sci Glass Badger Bullet Bubbler
$59.99 USD
Huni Badger

Huni Badger 710 Sci Glass Badger Bullet Bubbler


Keep your hits water cooled and bring your Huni Badger everywhere you go with this compact bubbler. The Badger Bullet by 710SciGlass is a borosilicate glass bubbler attachment that features a straight, spill resistant design.

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Product description

Crafted with portability in mind, the Badger Bullet slides onto the Huni Badger with a 14mm adapter and keeps your hits water cooled with no worry of any spilling out!

Each bubbler was glass-blown and handmade in the USA.


  1. Fill the Badger Bullet with 1/5 to 1/4 of water
  2. Wipe down the Badger Bullet, dry glass connection section with paper towel
  3. Equip Huni Badger with the 14mm mouthpiece (included with Huni Badger Kit) by screwing it on
  4. Make sure O-rings are in place on the 14mm mouthpiece
  5. Now attach the Badger Bullet to the Huni Badger by simply slipping it over the 14mm mouthpiece
  6. Test and confirm the O-rings had secured the Badger Bullet to the Huni Badger
  7. Turn on the Huni Badger and enjoy!
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