Raw RAW Camo Limited Edition Rolling Papers
RAW Camo Limited Edition Rolling Papers
$2.25 USD

RAW Camo Limited Edition Rolling Papers


1-1/4 Size – Fits 79mm Rolling Machines
50 Leaves per pack
24 Packs Per Box
CrissCross Watermark Prevents Runs
Always RAWthentic

Now available at Aladdin Glass and Vape

In stock (59)
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Product description

RAW Classic Rolling Papers – Limited Edition Camo Package

RAW Classic 1¼ is RAWs original size. Also known as “Spanish Size”, 1¼ papers we believe were the standard size of all rolling papers starting hundreds of years ago. Since then, many other shapes, sizes, and materials have been used to produce a wide variety of papers.

All Natural
RAW Classic Papers are made from the purest unrefined plant fibers and finished with a natural tree sap gum line. The paper is a translucent natural light brown and so thin that you can see through it. Each paper is watermarked with a CrissCross watermark that helps prevent runs to maintain a smooth even burn.

Watermarked with RAW’s patented CrissCross watermark, this special watermark helps prevent runs and maintains the smooth even-burn characteristic that RAW products are famous for.

Now available at Aladdin Glass and Vape

Product information
Brand Raw
EAN 716165304005
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