Red's Reds Daze TFN E-Liquid 60ML Unflavored
Reds Daze TFN E-Liquid 60ML Unflavored
$12.99 USD

Reds Daze TFN E-Liquid 60ML Unflavored


Tobacco 7 Daze TFN eLiquid is a perfect fit for anyone who enjoys the traditional taste of tobacco. It is an ideal vape for those who want to experience that light throat hit and dense fog.

Now available at Aladdin Glass and Vape

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Product description

Break your thirst for tobacco by vaping the Tobacco 7 Daze TFN eLiquid. This tobacco-inspired blend is one of the most traditional and beloved blends. With its rich, full-bodied flavor, this TFN flavor truly imitates a tobacco flavor. This 7Daze TFN eLiquid is smooth, mellow, and delicious. Some inhales and exhales are enough to handle your deep tobacco thirst.

Available in a 60ml dropper bottle with a 70VG/30PG base, Tobacco 7 Daze TFN eLiquid is a perfect fit for anyone who enjoys the traditional taste of tobacco. It is an ideal vape for those who want to experience that light throat hit and dense fog.

  • Primary Flavors: Tobacco
  • Bottle Sizes: 60ml
  • Nicotine Strengths: 0mg, 3mg, 6mg
  • VG/PG: 70%VG / 30%PG

REDS vape juice flavor profiles by 7 Daze are as luxurious as they are yummy. You can't go wrong with any of their premium flavors.

Now available at Aladdin Glass and Vape

Product information
Brand Red's
EAN 783970210753
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