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Truweigh Intrepid Series Compact Scale
Truweigh Intrepid Series Compact Scale
$0.00 USD

Truweigh Intrepid Series Compact Scale


The Truweigh Intrepid Series Compact Bench Scale is a heavy-duty, large capacity digital scale. A large, flat scale is accompanied by a huge weighing bowl that has a whopping 74oz capacity. The scale can weigh up to 10,000g (10kg) and measures to 1g.

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Product description
  • Truweigh is a leader in the kitchen food scale industry, with a wide range in scales for every market, we have a pocket scale to fit every need. The IMPERIAL COMPACT BENCH scale is known for its large weighing platform making this a top of the line meal prep scale. All Truweigh food weight scales come with a 10 year limited warranty protecting your purchase.
  • This sale includes a very large plastic weighing bowl that has a 74oz capacity. The scale can be stored inside the bowl when not in use, protecting the weighing platform.
  • This scale has more than just basic on/off functions and switching between units. It features simple one-touch calibration, tare function, auto shut-off, and piece counting function.
  • This scale is big and can make a statement when displayed properly. Put the weighing bowl to use and fill it up with something bright and colorful to draw attention.
  • The scale can measure in the units g, kg, lb, oz, and lb:oz.


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